How to Worry Less in 20 Minutes a Day

Worry is a form of fear or anxiety, worry that we will not be able to handle the problems that exist in our lives. It is also a rumination of past mistakes, guilt, or the anticipation of what could go wrong in the future. When anxiety lasts long enough to lead to a solution to our problems while, it is a normal thing that happens. When this becomes a habit, a chronic thing, do we need to help us.

If you are a chronic pessimist and wants to break the cycle, if you have 20 minutes a day to spare, try the following method.

How to worry less in just 20 minutes a day:

Set aside 20 minutes each day and do nothing but worry. Detailed. Consolidate all your worries, past and present, concern for the future, in this session. Say aloud, write, or allowed to flood your mind. Whenever you find your thoughts turning in another direction, bring your problems, worries and concerns.

Wipe the worry out of your mind for the rest of the day. Save it for your 20-minute session of concern. After the session, if it is a concern even dare to tap on the door of your mind, hunting. Today's session is over.

What I found when I practiced this method is that, even if we think we are afraid to do exclusively with a timer setting becomes difficult. After the first 10 minutes, it became difficult, boring even. Finally I finished laughing at myself.

Set a time limit each day, focusing on our problems and concerns, you can help put in perspective. We discovered that life and mind is really our concern. And when you know you have 20 minutes a day to devote exclusively to worry, it's much easier to put your thoughts into a pleasant state the day. Soon you will find the strength within you to deal with what life throws at you. You have broken the cycle of constant concern. You will be allowed a little peace, a little space in your mind to see the positive in yourself and your life.